Curriculum Vitae

Dr Ameya Ashok Hasamnis
Senior Lecturer
- School of Medicine
Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences - 56295094
- ameyaashok.hasamnis@taylors.edu.my
- Senior Lecturer I, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences, 07/08/2013 to 31/07/2023
- Doctor of Medicine (Pharmacology), UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI, India
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI, India
(Course Title),(Level of Study),(Institution),(Month/Year)
(Course Title),(Level of Study),(Institution),(Month/Year)
- MBBS , Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (01/2018)
(Title of publication in APA style)
(Title of publication in APA style)
Article in Journals
- Krishnasamy N, Hasamnis AA, Patil SS. Developing professional identity among undergraduate medical students in a competency‑based curriculum: Educators’ perspective. J Educ Health Promot 2022
- Patil SS, Hasamnis AA, Chinna K., Gan NWW, Ng BRM (2022). Perceived impact of the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic on Malaysian medical students: A descriptive, cross-sectional study. Med J
DY Patil Vidyapeeth .15,S60-4.
- Hasamnis AA.,Patil SS.(2019).YouTube as a tool for health education,Journal of Education and Health Promotion. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Hasamnis AA, Arya A, Patil SS. Case-based learning: Our experience in clinical pharmacology teaching. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2019;11:187-9 (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Hasamnis AA , Patil SS, Shaik Imam, Narendiran K.(2019). A Review of Pharmacoeconomics: the key to “Healthcare for All”,Sys Rev Pharm. 2019;10(1) Suppl: s 40-s 42 (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Subramanian S., Patil S.S., Ponnusamy S., Hasamnis A.A., Loh K.Y., Santosh N.(2019). Whole-grain consumption and its determinants in Malaysian medical students: A cross-sectional study, Indian J Public Health.63(3):220-226. (ISI-Indexed)
- Action of Phytochemicals on Insulin Signaling Pathways Accelerating Glucose Transporter (GLUT4) Protein Translocation. (ISI-Indexed)
- Evaluation of teaching clinical pharmacology of antiarrhythmic drugs to first-year MBBS students through worksheet-based small-group discussion (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Patil SS.,Hasamnis AA.(2018).The Role and Scope of Research in Undergraduate Medical Curriculum,Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 12:LI01-LI02 (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Dr. Hasamnis Ameya, Dr. Arun Kumar, Dr. Patil Sapna.(2011). Vagaries of P,International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research.6(2),1-2. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Ameya A. Hasamnis, Sapna S Patil, Arun Kumar, Kyaw Thu, Basanta K Mohanty. (2011).Preferences of Medical Students Regarding Physical Characteristics of Oral Solid Dosage Formulations in Malaysia,Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics .2(2),119-20. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- A clinical update on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Hasamnis AA, Patil SS, Mohanty BK, Thu K, Kumar A.(2010) Attitude of doctors towards physical characteristics of solid oral dosage forms. J Pharm Bioall Sci. 2,151. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Patil SS, Hasamnis AA, Narayan KA, Rashid AK, Mohanty BK. (2010).A household drug utilization survey among diabetics in rural Malaysia, Int J Diab Dev Ctries.30(4),231-232. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- A.A. Hasamnis, S.S. Patil, K.A. Narayan, Abdul Rashid Khan, B.K.Mohanty.(2010). Pattern of drug utilization in rural Malaysia, Annals of African Medicine.9(2),106-107. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Patil Sapna S, Hasamnis Ameya A, Jena SK, Rashid AK, Narayan KA. (2010).Low awareness of Osteoporosis among women attending an Urban Health Centre in Mumbai, Western India,Malaysia Journal of Public Health Medicine. 10 (1),6-13. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- A.A. Hasamnis, S.S. Patil, K.A. Narayan, Rashid AK, B.K.Mohanty.(2010). Drug utilization study for acute illnesses in village Banggol, Malaysia: The findings of a household survey, Al Ameen J Med Sci. 3(2):165-168.
- Hasamnis AA, Mohanty BK, Muralikrishna, Patil S.(2010). Evaluation of wound healing effect of topical phenytoin on excisional wound in albino rats,Journal of Young Pharmacists.2(1),59-62. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Prescription pattern in the department of medicine of a tertiary care hospital in south India (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Low awareness of osteoporosis among women attending an urban health centre in mumbai, western India. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Study to evaluate the efficacy of Holarrhena Antidysenterica in acute experimental colitis in albino rats
- Hasamnis,A and Patil S.(2010).A Prescription Pattern Study of Antihypertensive Drugs in an Indian Referral Hospital, International Journal of Pharmagenesis. 1(2),285-86.
- Hasamnis & S. Patil (2009). Prescription pattern study in type 2 diabetes mellitus in an Indian referral hospital. The Internet Journal of Pharmacology.7( 1).
- Patil Sapna S, Hasamnis Ameya A, Pathare Rooma S, Parmar Aarti, Rashid AK, Narayan KA.(2009) Prevalence of Exclusive Breast Feeding and its Correlates in an urban slum in Western India, IeJSME. 3(2),14-18.
- P. Sapna, H. Ameya, S. Sinha & S. Jena.(2009).Drought (2009): A Public Health Challenge in India,The Internet Journal of Third World Medicine.9(1),1-3.
- Ivabradine: novel If channel inhibitor. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
Article in Proceeding
- Obesity is a major risk factor for various non-communicable diseases. The prevalence of
obesity is on the rise, especially in younger populations. Improper eating patterns coupled with lack
of physical activity have largely contributed to this problem. Medical students are exposed to social,
cultural and study related stress during their course period. These factors influence their patterns of
eating and physical activity. A cross sectional study was conducted among medical students of
Taylors’ University to study their nutrition habits and exercise pattern. A total of 159 medical
students participated in the study. It was found that 69.8% of students had normal BMI, 14.5% of
students were underweight and 15.7% students were overweight or obese. It was observed that the
prevalence of obesity was more in male students as compared to female students. Out of 159
students, 15.7% of students skipped breakfast. The major food items in the diet was a combination of
rice, egg, meat and vegetables. It was also noted that 42.1 % of the students consumed soda drink at
least once a week. Majority of our students were involved in intentional physical activity of some
kind and they were aware about the importance of both good nutrition and physical activity in
maintaining good health. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Whole grain consumption is associated with several health benefits. Little is known however, about whole grain consumption patterns in medical students in Malaysia. The objective of this study was to assess whole grain intake pattern and its determinants amongst Malaysian medical students. A cross sectional study investigating whole grain intake amongst 151 medical students in a private medical University in Malaysia was conducted. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess socio demographic variables, the whole grain intake pattern and the knowledge and attitudes towards whole grain intake. The prevalence of reported whole grain intake in the past 3 months was 51%.Chinese ethnicity, readiness to adhere to Malaysian food pyramid and self-preparation of food and eating at home were significantly associated with whole grain consumption. However, the primary determinants of food choice like education, knowledge and affordability did not seem to influence whole grain consumption. Whole grain consumption is relatively low amongst Malaysian medical students. Cultural background and self-belief influence this practice despite being from the medical fraternity. Efforts are needed to bridge the knowledge – practice gap by assessing the barriers to whole grain consumption in order to design effective initiatives to promote an increase in whole grain consumption. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,TV,Popular Magazine)
- Of late, universal access to health-care has been widely discussed and examined, but prevention is
indisputably better than cure where health is concerned.Lifestyle choices have a significant impact on our susceptibility to chronic diseases such as heart and lung disease, cancer and diabetes.
These so-called non-communicable diseases (NCDs) - also known as lifestyle diseases - are responsible for nearly 70% of deaths globally. Ischaemic heart disease tops the cause of deaths worldwide, followed by stroke while chronic obstructive airways disease (a smoking-related chronic lung disease), lung cancer and diabetes are the fourth, fifth and sixth biggest killers respectively.
Data from the Department of Statistics and Health Ministry show that the leading cause of death in Malaysia in 2016 was ischaemic heart disease (13.2%). Other NCDs such as stroke, diabetes, lung cancer and chronic obstructive airways rank among the top 10 causes of death in this country. Besides the millions of preventable and premature deaths from NCDs, the economic burden of managing these diseases and their complications is huge and remains a pressing issue globally. Changes in lifestyle, socio-demographic and economic transition, improved affordability, ease of trade and travel, and urban hunger have contributed significantly to the emergence of NCDs as the leading cause of deaths globally, including in Malaysia.High blood sugar, raised blood pressure, high level of cholesterol, obesity and physical inactivity have been recognised as the most
prevalent (common) risk factors for NCDs which, if recognised and managed efficiently, can help reduce the burden of the diseases. Consumption of an unhealthy diet comprising few fruits and vegetables, high salt and trans-fats,physical inactivity, tobacco use, and harmful alcohol use are the common "behaviourally modifiable" risk factors of NCDs. Prevention of NCDs requires management of the "risk factors" right from the early years of life. The health and social needs of populations should be considered at all stages of the life course, starting from preconception right to adulthood. This needs to be supported by facilities for early detection and treatment of the diagnosed conditions.Individuals with risk factors who do not have any symptoms must be able to access these healthcare services too.Dealing with chronic NCDs remains a constant challenge for healthcare providers all over the world. Diseases such as diabetes and heart problems are complex to manage and require concerted efforts by the individual as well as the healthcare system.
Prevention of complications of these diseases significantly reduces mortality and aids in improving the
quality of life of the person. As adults, we must lead by example and start encouraging our children to adopt healthy eating habits at home and school, together with being physically active to preventing these lifestyle diseases.
(Title),(Event),(Date Presented),(Organiser),(Level)
(Title),(Event),(Date Presented),(Organiser),(Level)
- Use of Hi-Fidelity Medical simulation to teach ANS drugs to undergraduate Medical Students, TTLC 2017, 09/09/2017 to 10/09/2017, Taylor's University (National)
- Nutritional status, dietary habits and physical activity preferences of Malaysian Medical students, ICOPH, 27/07/2017 to 29/07/2017, The international institute of knowledge management  (International)