Curriculum Vitae


Professor Dr Jatswan Singh A/L Harnam Singh

  • Professor

  • School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
    Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management
  •    0162223681

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  • Degree of Master of Arts, The University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  • Degree of Master of Arts, The University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Degree of Bachelor of Arts, University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Comparative Politics
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Foreign Policy
  • International Relations
  • Strategic Studies
  • Southeast Asian History
(Title of publication in APA style)
  • Rajah Rasiah, Azirah Hashim and Jatswan S. Sidhu, eds. (2021). Contesting Malaysia's Integration into the World Economy (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2016). Historical Dictionary of Brunei Darussalam, 3rd Ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield).
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2010). Historical Dictionary of Brunei Darussalam, 2nd Ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield).
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu and K. S. Balakrishnan, eds. (2008). The Seas Divide: Geopolitics and Maritime Issues in Southeast Asia, Monograph Series 5 (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Earth and Ocean Sciences (IOES), University of Malaya).
  • Adnan Nawang & Jatswan S. Sidhu (1999). Stadium Merdeka & Stadium Negara: Meniti Sejarah Kegemilangannya (Kuala Lumpur: Perbadanan Stadium Merdeka).
  • D.S. Ranjit Singh and Jatswan S. Sidhu (1997). Historical Dictionary of Brunei Darussalam (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield/Scarecrow Press).
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (1995). Sejarah Sosioekonomi Brunei, 1906-1959 (Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka).
Book Chapter
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2024). Brunei in 2024: A Year of Cautious Optimism. Hoang Thi Ha and Daljit Singh, eds. Southeast Asian Affairs 2024 (Singapore: ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute): 55-68.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2023). Regional Middle Powers and ASEAN: Japan, Australia and India. In Jorn Dosch and Frederick Kliem, eds. The Elgar Companion to ASEAN (London: Edward Elgar): 221-232.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu and Jorn Dosch (2022). Brunei in 2021: The Battle against COVID-19 and a Year of Short-Lived Optimism. In Daljit Singh and Hoang Thi Ha, eds. Southeast Asian Affairs 2022 (Singapore: ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute): 91-108.
  • Raja Rasiah, Azirah Hashim and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2021). Introduction: Problematizing Historicization, in Raja Rasiah, Azirah Hashim and Jatswan S. Sidhu, eds. Contesting Malaysia's Integration into the World Economy (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan): 1-14.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2021). Esame storico delle relazioni tra Malesia e I’Italia. In Romeo Orlandi, ed. Italia e Malesia: Politica, economia, cultura (Rome: Societa Editrice Il Mulin): 63-76.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2021). Malaysia’s Relations with Italy: An Overview. In Romeo Orlandi, ed. Italy and Malaysia: Politics, Economy and Culture (Rome: Societa Editrice Il Mulino): 61-74.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2018). The Foreign Policy of Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka: The Resplendent Land, 70th Anniversary of Sri Lanka Independence Day, New Delhi: Diplomacy & Beyond Plus: 7-9.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2015). Courting the Dragon: Relations Between the Southeast Asian States and China. In Mahendra Gaur, ed. Studies on China, Vol. 3, New Delhi: Foreign Policy Research Centre (FPRC): 432-446
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2015). ASEAN's Relations with China. In Mahendra Gaur, ed. Studies on China, Vol. 3, New Delhi: Foreign Policy Research Centre (FPRC): 216-219
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2009). Malaysia's Security and Defence since 1957: An Overview. In Abdul Razak Baginda (ed.). Malaysia's Security and Defence Since 1957. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Strategic Research Centre (MSRC), pp. 1-30.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu and K. S. Balakrishnan (2008). Introduction: Trends in Maritime Security and Geopolitics in Southeast Asia. In Jatswan S. Sidhu and K. S. Balakrishan, eds. The Seas Divide: Geopolitics and Maritime Issues in Southeast Asia (Kuala Lumpur: IOES, University of Malaya) 1-8.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2006). Malaysia-Singapore Relations since 1998 - A Troubled Past - Whither a Brighter Future? In Ruhanas Harun, ed. Malaysia's Foreign Relations: Issues and Challenges (Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press): 75-92.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2004). Gobierno y politica en Singapur. In Juan I. Piovani and Sebastian Baglioni, eds. El Sudeste Asiatico una vision contemporanea (Buenos Aires: Editorial De La Universidad Nacional De Tres De Febrero - EDUNTREF): 97-122.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2004). Hubungan Myanmar-China: Dari Konfrontasi Ke Arah Kerjasama. Dlm. Obaidellah Mohamad, ed. China: Isu dan Hubungan Luar. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya: 155-170.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (1998). Keamanan Sejagat: Satu Tinjauan Tentang Penglibatan Malaysia dalam Misi Pengaman PBB, 1960-1996. In Nik Hassan Suhaimi Nik Abdul Rahman, et al., eds. Sejarah dan Proses Pemantapan Negara- Bangsa: Prosiding Kongress Sejarah Malaysia Kedua, Jld. II, Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia: 403-415.
Article in Journals
  • Liu Wui Chern, Roy Anthony Rogers and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2023). Unravelling President Obama's Myanmar Policy: Pragmatic Liberalism at Play. Malaysian Journal of International Relations (MJIR), 11: 59-87.
  • Yasin Temizkan, Jatswan S. Sidhu and Sheila Devi Michael (2023). Understanding Turkish Cypriots' Constantly Deepening Distrust Towards Greek Cypriots. Malaysian Journal of International Relations (MJIR), 11: 128-144.
  • Iftikhar Ali and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2023). Strategic Dynamics of the Arms Race in South Asia, Journal of Asian and African Studies (ISI-Indexed)
  • Roy Anthony Rogers, Wui Chern Liew and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2023). The United States' Myanmar Policy after 2021 Military Coup and Its Prospects under China-US Strategic Competition. Asian Affairs: An American Review (published online on 3 October 2023). (SCOPUS-Indexed)
  • Iftikhar Ali and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2022). Dynamics of Pakistan's Nuclear Doctrine: Implications for Strategic Stability in South Asia. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 57(4): 856-871. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Iftikhar Ali and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2022). India's Doctrinal Modifications: Counterforce Temptations in South Asia. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 57(3): 424-445. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Iftikhar Ali and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2022). Strategic Dynamics of Crisis Stability in South Asia. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 57(7): 1357-1375. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Lujang John Jangling and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2022). Traditional and Religious Approaches as Psychosocial Support in the Reintegration of Former Girl Soldiers in South Sudan. African and Asian Studies, 21(4): 257-285. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Ravi Mahalingam and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2021). Inside the Crime of Sex Trafficking in Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Human Trafficking, 7(3), 308-324. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
  • Ekele C. Njoku and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2021). Beyond Religious Fundamentalism: Multidimensional Poverty and Boko Haram's Appeal Among Northern Nigerian Youths. Malaysian Journal of International Relations (MJIR), 9(1): 68-87
  • Zahid Zamri and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2021). Gramscianism in Syed Husin Ali's Neo-Feudalism: A Post Colonial Appraisal. Southeast Asian Social Science Review (SEASSR), 6(2), July-December: 50-75.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2021). The Rohingya: Myanmar's Unwanted Minority. European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 18(1), 236-260. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
  • Joern Dosch and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2019). Negara Brunei Darussalam in 2018: Some Good News at Last. Asian Survey, 59(1): 204-208. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Khaldoon Ahmed Abdulla and Jatswan S. Sidhu, (2018). The Influence of Geography in Asymmetric Conflicts in Narrow Seas and the Houthi Insurgency in Yemen. Malaysian Journal of International Relations (MJIR), 6: 85-90.
  • Njoku C. Ekele and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2017). Fighting the Boko Haram: Military Offensive or Socio-Economic Solution? Malaysian Journal of International Relations (MJIR), 5: 89-97.
  • Roy Anthony Rogers and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2016). International Norms and Human Rights Conditions in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). Malaysia Journal of International Relations, 4: 109-137.
  • Jorn Dosch and Jatswan S. Sidhu (2015). The European Union's Myanmar Policy: Focused or Directionless? Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs,34(2): 3-19. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu and Roy Anthony Rogers(2015). China's Strategic Ambitions in the Indian Ocean Region, India's Anxiety and the United States; Concerns. Malaysian Journal of International Relations (MJIR), 3: 75-104.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2014). Reforms in Burma: By Chance or Design? Journal of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations, 14(1): 19-32.
  • Sheila M. Arianayagam & Jatswan S. Sidhu, (2013). Modern Slavery: State-Induced Forced Labour in Myanmar and Reactions from the International Community. Malaysian Journal of International Relations (MJIR), 1: 122-149.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu and Syeeda Naushin Parnini (2011). International Responses to Human Rights Violations in Myanmar: The Case of the Rohingya. Journal of International Studies, 7: 119-134 (ISI-Indexed)
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2011). Quo Vadis Myanmar?: Military Rule, the 2010 Election and Beyond. Journal of International Studies, 7: 17-32. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2010). Human Rights Violations in Myanmar and the Military Junta’s Defensive Human Rights Diplomacy. Journal of International Studies, 6: 1-14. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2009). India’s Myanmar Policy since 1988: Between Democratic Ideals and Geostrategic Imperatives. Journal of International Studies, 5: 93-108. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2008). Malaysia-Myanmar Relations since 1958. Journal of International Studies, 5: 93-108. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2001). Predikamen Afrika. Pemikir, Julai-September: 113-132
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2000). Masa Depan Myanmar. Pemikir, 21: 63-80.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2000). Brunei’s Oil Industry, 1906-1929: The Early Years. Sejarah (Journal of the Department of History, University of Malaya), 8: 141-154.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (1995). Pengenalan dan Perkembangan Pendidikan Vernakular Melayu di Brunei, 1906-1959. Malaysia in History, 23: 90-102
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (1995). Pengenalan dan Perkembangan Sistem Pendidikan Inggeris di Brunei, 1906-1959. Sejarah (Journal of the Department of History, University of Malaya), 3: 111-128.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (1993). Proses Perbandaran di Brunei: Kelahiran dan Perkembangan Bandar Brunei, Kuala Belait dan Seria, 1906-1959. Purba (The Journal of the Malaysian Museum Society), 12: 83-94 .
Technical Report
  • Evaluation of European Union's Regional Co-operation with Asia, Vol. 1 (2013). Brussels: Evaluation Unit of the Directorate General for Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid, European Commission, (105 pp.).
  • Evaluation of European Union's Regional Co-operation with Asia, Vol. 3 (2013). Brussels: Evaluation Unit of the Directorate General for Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid, European Commission, (232 pp.).
  • Evaluation of European Union's Regional Co-operation with Asia, Vol. 2 (2013). Brussels: Evaluation Unit of the Directorate General for Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid, European Commission, (148 pp.).
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2000). Demokrasi, Mercosur dan Kerjasama Serantai di Latin Amerika. Pemikir, 19: 209-227 (Original article: Jorge Rafael di Masi. Changes in the Process of Regional Integration in the Southern Cone of Latin America since the Recovery of Democracy: The Case of Mercosur. Unpublished)
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (1999). Mitos Teluk Parsi. Pemikir, 17: 185-216 (Original article: Graham E. Fuller and Ian O. Lesser (1997). Persian Gulf Myths. Foreign Affairs. 76(3): 45-52).
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (1999). Indonesia dan Politik Gus Dur. Pemikir, 21: 1-16 (Original article: Baladas Ghoshal. Abdurrahaman Wahid: The Man and His Politics. Unpublished).
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (1999). Krisis Perbankan di Malaysia. Pemikir, 17: 185-216 (Original article: G. Sivalingam. Banking Crisis in Malaysia. Unpublished)
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (1999). IMF Perlu Fokus Baru. Pemikir, 15: 179-193. (Original article: Martin Fledstein. Refocusing the IMF. Foreign Affairs. 77(2) 1998: 20-33).
Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,TV,Popular Magazine)
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2011). Reinvigorating the United Nations. The Globalist, 5, October/November: 32-33.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2002). Tindakan Keganasan Pasca-Moden di "Kubu" Amerika Syarikat. Perajurit, 10, Januari: 49-53.
Digital Media
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2021). Malaysia and Turkey: Old Friends, New Allies? Politics Today, 18 January.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2018). Malaysia-India Relations: Strengthening a Political, Strategic Partnership. Diplomacy and Beyond Plus: 10-13.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2018). 71 Years of Collaboration on the Frontiers of Science and Technology. Diplomacy & Beyond Plus (Special Report: India-Russia Bilateral Relationship): 42-45.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2018). Malaysia: India's Gateway to ASEAN. Diplomatist (Special Report: India-ASEAN): 14-17
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2018). UK-India Strategic Partnership: Ties that Bind. Diplomacy & Beyond Plus (Special Report: United Kingdom-India): 10-15.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2018). Malaysia-India: Sixty Years of Strategic Partnership. Diplomacy & Beyond Plus (Special Report: Malaysia-India), 2018: 10-14.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2018). Mozambique: India's Gateway to Africa. Diplomacy & Beyond Plus (Special Report: Celebrating 71 Years of Independence of Mozambique),: 12-14.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2017). Malaysia-India: Sixty Years of Strategic Partnership. Diplomacy and Beyond Plus, 2 November.
  • Jatswan S. Sidhu (2014). Malaysia: Truly Asia's Best Business Destination. Diplomatist, 2(5): 69-70.