Curriculum Vitae


Dr Yong Jing Yi


Information on Doctoral Supervision

Area: Human Resource Management

Expertise: Strategic Human Resource Management, Intellectual Capital, Sustainability, ESG, SMEs

Available to supervise (2024): Yes

  • Member of International Family Enterprise Centre , Taylor's University, 01/11/2021 to present
  • Member of PhD Committee Board, School of Management and Marketing, Taylor's University, 03/06/2022 to 31/12/2023
  • Local Virtual Volunteer for AIESEC, School of Management and Marketing, Taylor's University, 15/11/2021 to 31/07/2022
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Master of Business Administration (International Business), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Bachelor of Technology (Hons), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Chartered Management Institute (CMI), Affilate Member, 2022 to 2023 (International)
  • Strategic Human Resource Management, Intellectual Capital, Sustainability, ESG, SMEs
(Research Area)
  • Strategic Human Resource Management, Intellectual Capital, Sustainability, Family Business and SMEs
(Course Title),(Level of Study),(Institution),(Month/Year)
  • Managing Human Capital, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2023)
  • Introduction to International Business, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2023)
  • Introduction to International Business, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2022)
  • Introduction to International Business, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2022)
  • Managing Human Capital, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2022)
  • Managing Human Capital, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2022)
  • Strategic Management, Master Degree, Taylor's University (01/2022)
  • Strategic Management, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2021)
  • Understanding Entrepreneurialism, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2021)
(Title of publication in APA style)
  • Yusliza, M.Y., Yong, J.Y., Wan Kassim, W. Z., & Ahmad, M. H. (2022). Green Human Resource Management in Large Manufacturing Firms in Malaysia
Book Chapter
  • J.Y. Yong, W.L. Lin, Feranita, F., Rathakrishnan, T., Cheah, C.W.C. (2024). Leveraging Green Human Resource Management and Green Innovation into Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Small and Medium Enterprises. In: Yusliza, M.Y., Renwick, D. (eds) Green Human Resource Management: A View from Global South Countries. Springer, Singapore.
  • Yong, J.Y., & Yusliza, M.Y. (2023). Green Human Resource Management: A Preliminary Qualitative Study of Green HRM Awareness, Practices, and Outcomes in the Malaysian Manufacturing Context. In: Adekoya, O.D., Mordi, C., Ajonbadi, H.A. (eds) Global Perspectives on Green HRM. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Kumar, T.B.J., Rathakrishnan, T., Feranita, F., Yi, Y.J. (2023). Adversity Breeds Innovation: The Essential Role of Necessity-Preneurs in the COVID-19 Era. In: Ratten, V. (eds) Entrepreneurship Research. Springer, Singapore.
  • Rathakrishnan, T., Kumar, T., Feranita, F., Yi, Y.J. (2023). Silent Killer or Silent Success: The Double-Edged Sword of Viral Marketing on Entrepreneurship. In: Ratten, V. (eds) Entrepreneurship Research. Springer, Singapore.
  • Rathakrishnan, T., Feranita, F., Leong, L.W., Yi, Y.J., Mouawad, R. (2022). Evolution of Entrepreneurship Development Among Different Generations in Adopting Technology in Malaysia: Towards a Reconciliation for Collaboration. In: Ratten, V. (eds) Innovation in ASEAN. Springer, Singapore.
  • Yong, J.Y., Yusliza, MY., Ahmad, N.H. (2022). Connecting Green Human Resource Management to Performance: Pathways Toward Sustainability. In: Paillé, P. (eds) Green Human Resource Management Research. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Article in Journals
  • Yong, J. Y., Yusliza, M. Y., Ramayah, T., & Seles, B. M. R. P. (2022). Testing the stakeholder pressure, relative advantage, top management commitment and green human resource management linkage. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Foster, B., Muhammad, Z., Yusliza, M. Y., Faezah, J. N., Johansyah, M. D., Yong, J. Y., Ul-Haque, A., Saputra, J., Ramayah, T., & Fawehinmi, O. (2022). Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behaviour in the Workplace. Sustainability, 14(8), 4420. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
  • Yong, J.Y., Yusliza, M.Y., Ramayah, T., Farooq, K. and Tanveer, M.I. (2022), "Accentuating the interconnection between green intellectual capital, green human resource management and sustainability", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print (ISI-Indexed)
  • Yong, J. Y., Yusliza, M. Y., Ramayah, T., Jabbour, C. J. C., Sehnem, S., & Venkatesh, M. (2020). Pathways towards sustainability in manufacturing organizations: Empirical evidence on the role of green human resource management. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(1), 212-228. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Yusliza, M. Y., Yong, J. Y., Tanveer, M. I., Ramayah, T., Juhari, N. F., & Muhammad, Z. (2020). A structural model of the impact of green intellectual capital on sustainable performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 249, 119334. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Yong, J. Y., Yusliza, M. Y., Jabbour, C. J. C., & Ahmad, N. H. (2020). Exploratory cases on the interplay between green human resource management and advanced green manufacturing in light of the Ability-Motivation-Opportunity theory. Journal of Management Development, 39(1), 31-49. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
  • Yong, J. Y., Yusliza, M. Y., Ramayah, T., & Fawehinmi, O. (2019). Nexus between green intellectual capital and green human resource management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 215, 364-374. (ISI-Indexed)
  • Yong, J. Y., Yusliza, M. Y., & Fawehinmi, O. (2019). Green Human Resource Management: A systematic literature review from 2007 to 2019. Benchmarking: an International Journal, 27(7), 2005-2027 (SCOPUS-Indexed)
  • Yusliza, M. Y., Yong, J. Y., T. Ramayah, Tanveer, M. I., & Zikri, M. (2018). Determinants of continued usage intention of electronic human resource management. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4), 3854-3864. [SCOPUS] (SCOPUS-Indexed)
  • Yong, J. Y., & Yusliza, M. Y. (2016). Studying the influence of strategic human resource competencies on the adoption of green human resource management practices. Industrial and Commercial Training, 48(8), 416-422. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
Article in Proceeding
  • Yusliza, M. Y., Olivas-Luján, M. R., & Yong, J. Y. (2016). Sweet sixteen: Global e-HRM research from 2000 through 2015. Proceedings of the 6th International E-HRM Conference, 27 – 28 October, Enschede, Netherlands.
  • Yong, J. Y., & Yusliza, M. Y. (2015). From Green Human Resource Management (HRM) to Sustainability. Proceedings of the Green Human Resource Management Conference, 30 – 31 May, Penang, Malaysia.
Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,TV,Popular Magazine)
  • Yong, J. Y. & Feranita, F. (2022). ESG strategy in family businesses: Compliance or transformational goal? The Edge
(Project title),(Role),(Duration),(Level)
  • Revolutionizing Climate Finance for Malaysian SMEs in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector, Co-researcher, 2023 to 2025 (National)
  • Development of Social Sustainability Index for SMEs in Malaysia, Co-researcher, 2023 (International)
  • Development of Social Sustainability Index for SMEs in Malaysia, Co-researcher, 2023 (Private)
  • Revolutionizing Climate Finance for Malaysian SMEs in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector, Co-researcher, 2023 to 2025 (National)
  • An integrated Strategic Sustainability - Risk Management modeling approach for Product Development of Malaysian Furniture Companies, Co-researcher, 2022 to 2025 (National)
  • Developing a Conceptual Model of Circular Economy in Small and Medium-Sized Hospitality Businesses in Malaysia for a Sustainable Future, Project Leader, 2022 to 2025 (National)
  • An integrated Strategic Sustainability - Risk Management modeling approach for Product Development of Malaysian Furniture Companies, Co-researcher, 2022 to 2024 (National)
  • Developing a Conceptual Model of Circular Economy in Small and Medium-Sized Hospitality Businesses in Malaysia for a Sustainable Future, Project Leader, 2022 to 2025 (National)
  • Financial Innovation, 2022 to 2022 (Article in Journal)
  • European Journal of International Management, 2022 to 2022 (Article in Journal)
  • 4th Advances in Business Research International Conference 2021/2022 , 2022 to 2022 (International Conference)
  • PhD Thesis - Taylor's University, 2022 to 2022 (Thesis)
  • Advances in Developing Human Resources, 2022 to 2022 (Article in Journal)
  • International Social Science Journal, 2022 to 2022 (Article in Journal)
  • Employee Relations, 2022 to 2022 (Article in Journal)
  • International Journal of Business and Society, 2021 to 2021 (Article in Journal)
  • Management Research Review, 2021 to 2022 (Article in Journal)
  • Journal of Management & Organization, 2021 to 2022 (Article in Journal)
  • Tourism Management, 2021 to 2021 (Article in Journal)
  • SAGE Open, 2021 to 2021 (Article in Journal)
  • Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management, 2020 to 2020 (Article in Journal)
  • Asian Academy of Management Journal, 2020 to 2020 (Article in Journal)
  • International Journal of Manpower, 2019 to 2020 (Article in Journal)
  • International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2019 to 2019 (Article in Journal)
  • Finance Research Letters, 2019 to 2020 (Article in Journal)
  • Cogent Business & Management, 2017 to 2017 (Article in Journal)
  • International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) Conference, 2017 to 2021 (International Conference)
(Title of Thesis),(Name of Candidates),(Academic Level),(Role)
  • SIAU JUN LUN  (Co-supervisor (Internal))
  • LIU JINGJING  (Main Supervisor)
  • ASIF ALI KHAN  (Main Supervisor)
  • SEOW PEI JEAN  (Co-supervisor (Internal))
  • CHENG KOK WAI  (Main Supervisor)
  • ABRAHAM TANG  (Main Supervisor)
(Title),(Event),(Date Presented),(Organiser),(Level)
  • From Green Human Resource Management (HRM) to Sustainability, Green Human Resource Management Conference, 30/05/2015 (National)
  • How to Graduate On Time, Navigating your research journey and publishing in high impact journal, 01/04/2022 to 01/04/2022, Department of Business Administration - AIR University MULTAN CAMPUS (International)
  • Publishing high impact journals and navigating your doctoral research journey, Research Workshop for PhD Students, 23/03/2022 to 23/03/2022, Sustainability Hub - Taylor's Business School (University)
  • My PhD Journey, Postgraduate Webinar Series 3/2022, 08/03/2022 to 08/03/2022, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (National)
  • The role of Nextgen in driving green innovation in a second-generation family business, sharing by a Taylor s alumnus, Free Webinar, Open to Public, 20/06/2022 to 20/06/2022, Taylor's Business School - School of Marketing and Management  (University)
  • Sweet sixteen: Global e-HRM research from 2000 through 2015, 6th International E-HRM Conference, 27/10/2016 to 28/10/2016, University of Twente (International)
(Name of Award/Stewardship),(Award Category),(Awarding Institution),(Year Awarded),(Type of Award)
  • Certificate of Achievement , Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 2017 (Graduate on Time (GOT))
(Course Title),(Course Mode),(Date/Duration),(Level)
  • PRME i5 Workshop, Non research, 12/04/2023 to 14/04/2023 (International)
  • APEL.C Assessment Policy, Procedures and Design, Non research, 23/03/2023 to 24/03/2023 (University)
  • Supervisory Skills Training, Research, 12/10/2021 to 14/10/2021 (University)
  • Panopto User Training , Non research, 17/03/2021 to 17/03/2021 (University)
  • Research Methods and Publication Strategies, Research, 18/07/2019 to 19/07/2019 (University)
  • Global Business Service 2.0 Training of Trainer (TOT) Workshop , Non research, 09/01/2019 to 09/01/2019 (University)
  • Outcome-based education (OBE) training , Non research, 11/12/2017 to 11/12/2017 (University)