• Head of School - School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

  • School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
    Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management
  •   anindita.dasgupta@taylors.edu.my

Professor Dr Anindita Dasgupta

Academic Qualification

  • PhD in Political Science, UNIVERSITY OF GAUNATI, India
  • Masters of Arts in History, UNIVERSITY OF GAUHATI, India
  • Bachelor of Arts in History, UNIVERSITY OF GAUHATI, India

Professional Qualification

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Areas of Expertise

  • Humanities, Historical And Civilisation Studies, Cultural History
  • Social Sciences, Anthropology, Ethnography

Research Interest

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  • Society, Culture, and Tribal Development in Northeast India - Book Chapter
  • Spatial usage and socio-spatial qualities of migrant workers accommodation: A case study on construction site living quarters in Klang Valley (SCOPUS-Indexed), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering - Article in Journals
  • Eating Out, A Data Base to Study the Spatiality, Temporality and Sociality of Food: The Case of China, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and France. (ISI-Indexed), Frontiers in Nutrition - Article in Journals
  • Much More Than Food: The Malaysian Breakfast, a Socio-Cultural Perspective. (SCOPUS-Indexed), Sustainability - Article in Journals
  • Built Environment Well-being in Migrant Worker's Accommodation - A Systematic Literature Review and Theoretical Framework (SCOPUS-Indexed), Journal of Engineering Science and Technology - Article in Journals
  • SPATIAL-SOCIAL NARRATIVES: A CASE OF MIGRANT TEMPORARY HOUSING (SCOPUS-Indexed), Journal of Engineering Science and Technology - Article in Journals
  • Mothers can try new recipes for their families : COVID-19 Lockdown in Malaysia, A Lens on the Negotiation of the Prescribed Division of Domestic Food- Related Work, Anthropology of Food - Article in Journals
  • The Sylhet Referendum - Book Chapter
  • The Malaysian Food Barometer Open Database: An Invitation to Study the Modernization of Malaysian Food Patterns and Its Economic and Health Consequences. (ISI-Indexed), Frontiers in Nutrition - Article in Journals
  • Speak like Doraemon :Foodways during Covid-19 lockdown in Malaysia - Book Chapter
  • R investir la cuisine et le fait-maison ? ou Retourne ta cuisine ! - Book Chapter
  • Firing up the young ones, Star Edu - Digital Media
  • Chez soi et ailleurs, Alimentation, idenitite et urbanisation en Malaysie. - Book Chapter
  • Home and away" Narratives of food and identity in the context of modernisation in Malaysia. - Book Chapter
  • Not A Breach, but an Expansion : Diasporic Communities in Twenty-First Century (SCOPUS-Indexed), Millennial Asia - Article in Journals
  • In search of lost time: Nostalgia for the Sylheti Homeland - Book Chapter
  • In Search of lost Time: Nostalgia for the Sylheti Homeland, Gill, P & Samrat ( ed.) Insider, Outsider: Belonging and Unbelonging in North East India. - Article in Journals
  • If the shoe fits : Culture in Malaysian Organizations, Identity, Culture & Politics: An Afro-Asian Dialogue - Article in Journals
  • Local Roots, Global aspirations: Impact of culture on work environment and organizational culture in Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises in the Information Technology Sector. (ISI-Indexed), INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA: AN INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION REGIONAL CONFERENCE - Article in Journals
  • Culturally diverse teams and social interaction influence on team effectiveness in small and medium enterprises in the Ict sector in Malaysia (ISI-Indexed), Millennial Asia - Article in Journals
  • Building Nostalgia Communities South Asian Migrant Workers in Malaysia (SCOPUS-Indexed), Economic and Political Weekly - Article in Journals
  • Remembering Sylhet: Hindu and Muslim Voices from a Forgotten Story of India s 1947 Partition - Book
  • Review of Looking East to Look at West: Lee Kuan Yew s Mission India by Sunanda K. Datta-Ray (SCOPUS-Indexed), India Quarterly - Article in Journals
  • Remembering Sylhet: A Forgotten Story of India s 1947 Partition (SCOPUS-Indexed), Economic and Political Weekly - Article in Journals
  • Civilians and Localization of Conflict in Assam (SCOPUS-Indexed), Economic and Political Weekly - Article in Journals
  • Civilians and Localization of Conflict in India, Occasional Paper Series, Strategic Studies and International Relations Program, School of History, Politics and Strategy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. - Monograph
  • Denial and Resistance: Sylheti Partition Refugees in Assam (SCOPUS-Indexed), Contemporary South Asia - Article in Journals
  • Small Arms Proliferation in India s North East: A Case Study of Assam (SCOPUS-Indexed), Economic and Political Weekly - Article in Journals
  • Review of Brave Men of the Hills: Resistance and Rebellion in Burma, 1825-1932 (SCOPUS-Indexed), Contemporary South Asia - Article in Journals


  • A socio-spatial framework for sustainable living environment of temporary urban migrant settlements in Malaysia ,  Co-researcher2021 to 2025, National
  • Asian Food Barometer,  Co-researcher2017 to 2022, Taylor's University
  • The Cultural Fit : The Role of Culture in Work Environments in Malaysian SMEs,  Co-researcher2017 to 2018, Taylor's University
  • The Cultural Fit: Role of culture in work environment of Malaysian SMEs,  Co-researcher2017 to 2018, Taylor's University
  • Asian Food Barometer,  Co-researcher2017 to 2022, Taylor's University
  • Impact of cross-cultural diversity on work performance in Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises dealing in Information and Communication Technology,  Project Leader2014 to 2016, National

Awards and Stewardship

No records found

Paper Presented

  • Mognard, E. & Dasgupta, A ( 2021) COVID-19 Lockdown in Malaysia, A Lens on the Changing Gender Relations Within Foodways, Manger En Ville : Gender and Foodways under urban Lifestyles: In the cities of Africa, Latin America and Asia (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 30/09/2020 to 01/10/2020
  • Mognard, E. & Dasgupta, A. ( 2021) Between (Re)-Appropriations and Restraints: Transformations in Food Sourcing and Preparation during COVID-19 Lockdowns in Malaysia, Just Food: because it is never Just Food (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 09/06/2021 to 15/06/2021
  • Food-courts in Malaysia as Sites of Social Bonding, Manger En Ville : Food as Social Bond (CONFERENCE), PLEANARY/KEYNOTE SPEAKER , 05/02/2021 to 05/02/2021
  • Convergence and divergence in food consumption? Culture, Class and Place in Malaysian urbanscape., Eating in the city conference, UNESCO, Paris 2017 (CONFERENCE), INVITED SEMINAR , 04/12/2017 to 06/12/2017