- School of Biosciences
Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences - +60192731400
- tilakavati.karupaiah@taylors.edu.my
Professor Dr Tilakavati A/P Karupaiah
Academic Qualification
- Doctor of Philosophy (Nutrition), UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA, Malaysia
- Master of Science, UNIVERSITI MALAYA, Malaysia
- Master of Science (Home Science), UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS, India
- Bachelor of Science (Nutrition & Dietetics), UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS, India
Professional Qualification
- Graduate Diploma of Human Nutrition, DEAKIN UNIVERSITY, Australia
- Pre-University, UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS, India
- Matriculation, UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS, India
Areas of Expertise
- Medical And Health Sciences, Dietetics, Dietetics education
- Medical And Health Sciences, Public Health, Environmental And Occupational Health And Safety Sciences, Urban And Rural Health
- Medical And Health Sciences, Nutrition(Clinical And Public Health Research), Nutrition Related Chronic Diseases
Research Interest
No records found
- Investigating the impact of dietary guidelines transition on cardiometabolic risk profile: a forensic analysis using diet quality metrics. (SCOPUS-Indexed), Scientific Reports - Article in Journals
- Monitoring commercially available complementary foods for the infant and young child in Southeast Asia: accountability and the way forward. (SCOPUS-Indexed), American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - Article in Journals
- Intake of sugar sweetened beverages among children and adolescents in 185 countries between 1990 and 2018: population based study. (SCOPUS-Indexed), BMJ-British Medical Journal - Article in Journals
- Children s exposure to unhealthy food advertising on Philippine television: content analysis of marketing strategies and temporal patterns (SCOPUS-Indexed), Global Health Action - Article in Journals
- Corrigendum to Monitoring commercially available complementary foods for the infant and young child in Southeast Asia: accountability and the way forward [Am J of Clin Nutr Am J Clin Nutr 120 (2024) 281 282] (SCOPUS-Indexed), American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - Article in Journals
- Changes in Mitochondrial Epigenome in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (ISI-Indexed), BRITISH JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE - Article in Journals
- Contemporary Approaches for Monitoring Food Marketing to Children to Progress Policy Actions, Current Nutrition Reports (ISI-Indexed), Current Nutrition Reports - Article in Journals
- Author Correction: Global dietary quality in 185 countries from 1990 to 2018 show wide differences by nation, age, education, and urbanicity (ISI-Indexed), Nature Food - Article in Journals
- Sugar-sweetened beverage intakes among adults between 1990 and 2018 in 185 countries (ISI-Indexed), Nature Communications - Article in Journals
- Children s and adolescents rising animal-source food intakes in 1990 2018 were impacted by age, region, parental education and urbanicity (ISI-Indexed), Nature Food - Article in Journals
- Global, regional, and national consumption of animal-source foods between 1990 and 2018: findings from the Global Dietary Database (ISI-Indexed), The LANCET Planetary Health - Article in Journals
- Benchmarking Diet Quality to Assess Nutritional Risk in Hemodialysis Patients: Applying Adequacy and Moderation Metrics of the Hemodialysis-Healthy Eating Index. (ISI-Indexed), Journal of Renal Nutrition - Article in Journals
- Effectiveness of a Nutritional Mobile Application for Management of Hyperphosphatemia in Patients on Hemodialysis: A Multicenter Open-Label Randomized Clinical Trial. (ISI-Indexed), Journal of Personalized Medicine - Article in Journals
- A mobile app for triangulating strategies in phosphate education targeting patients with chronic kidney disease: Development, validation, and patient acceptance. (ISI-Indexed), Healthcare - Article in Journals
- A collective call to strengthen monitoring and evaluation efforts to support healthy and sustainable food systems: The Accountability Pact. (ISI-Indexed), Public Health Nutrition - Article in Journals
- Muscle status response to oral nutritional supplementation in hemodialysis patients with protein energy wasting: A multi-center randomized, open label-controlled trial. (ISI-Indexed), Frontiers in Nutrition - Article in Journals
- Letter To The Editor: Response to Intraclass correlation coefficient and reliability of muscle mass measurements" (ISI-Indexed), Journal of Parenteral Enteral Nutrition - Article in Journals
- Circulating fatty acid profiles are associated with protein-energy wasting in maintenance hemodialysis patients: a cross sectional study (ISI-Indexed), SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - Article in Journals
- Nutritional adequacy of animal-based and plant-based Asian diets for chronic kidney disease patients: A modeling study. (ISI-Indexed), Nutrients - Article in Journals
- A food frequency questionnaire for hemodialysis patients in Bangladesh (BDHD-FFQ): Development and validation (ISI-Indexed), Nutrients - Article in Journals
- Association of Ultrasound-Derived Metrics of the Quadriceps Muscle with Protein Energy Wasting in Hemodialysis Patients: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study (ISI-Indexed), NUTRIENTS - Article in Journals
- Association of Ultrasound-Derived Metrics of the Quadriceps Muscle with Protein Energy Wasting in Hemodialysis Patients: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study. (ISI-Indexed), Nutrients - Article in Journals
- Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2020 - Book
- Validity of Ultrasound Imaging in Measuring Quadriceps Muscle Thickness and Cross Sectional Area in Hemodialysis Patients (ISI-Indexed), Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition - Article in Journals
- Composition and Functionality of Lipid Emulsions in Parenteral Nutrition: Examining Evidence in Clinical Applications (ISI-Indexed), Frontiers in Pharmacology - Article in Journals
- Benchmarking Food Industry Commitments to Create a Healthier Food Environment: Business Impact Assessment (BIA) - Obesity Malaysia 2019 [Full Technical Report] - Book
- Benchmarking Food Industry Commitments to Create a Healthier Food-Environment : Business Impact Assessment (BIA)-Obesity Malaysia 2019, Technical Report - Technical Report
- Benchmarking current policies and determining priorities for future policies for the Malaysian government 2016-2017, Technical Report - Technical Report
- Dietary fatty acid intake in hemodialysis patients and associations with circulating fatty acid profiles: A cross-sectional study (ISI-Indexed), Nutrition - Article in Journals
- Global benchmarking of children's exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages across 22 countries (ISI-Indexed), Obesity Reviews - Article in Journals
- Efficacy of Nutritional Interventions on Inflammatory Markers in Haemodialysis Patients: A Systematic Review and Limited Meta-Analysis (ISI-Indexed), NUTRIENTS - Article in Journals
- What's on YouTube? A Case Study on Food and Beverage Advertising in Videos Targeted at Children on Social Media (ISI-Indexed), Childhood Obesity - Article in Journals
- Enabling Intradialytic Parenteral Nutrition in maintenance haemodialysis patients in Malaysia: the what, who and how scenarios of implementation? (SCOPUS-Indexed), Malaysian Applied Biology - Article in Journals
- Food-Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): Benchmarking current policies and determining priorities for future policies for the Malaysian government - Book
- Extent of implementation of food environment policies by the Malaysian Government: gaps and priority recommendations (ISI-Indexed), Public Health Nutrition - Article in Journals
- Protein-energy wasting and nutritional supplementation in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis (ISI-Indexed), CLINICAL NUTRITION - Article in Journals
- Incorporating nutrition care process components into internship training evaluation a Malaysian university experience (ISI-Indexed), Nutrition & Dietetics - Article in Journals
- Effect of vegetable-oil based mayonnaise on cardiometabolic risk assessed through long-term human feeding. (ISI-Indexed), LIPIDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE - Article in Journals
- Evaluating crossbred red rice variants for postprandial glucometabolic responses: a comparison with commercial varieties (SCOPUS-Indexed), Nutrients - Article in Journals
- Dialysis Malnutrition and Malnutrition Inflammation Scores: a screening tool or prediction of dialysis-related protein-energy wasting in Malaysia (SCOPUS-Indexed), Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition - Article in Journals
- Metering Self-Reported Adherence to Clinical Outcomes in Malaysian Patients with Hypertension: Applying the Stages of Change Model to Healthful Behaviors in the CORFIS Study (SCOPUS-Indexed), Health Education Behavior - Article in Journals
- Assessing protein energy wasting in a Malaysian haemodialysis population using self-reported appetite ratings: a cross-sectional study. (SCOPUS-Indexed), Bmc Nephrology - Article in Journals
- Prospects in development of quality rice for human nutrition (SCOPUS-Indexed), Malaysian Applied Biology - Article in Journals
- Reading the mind of children in response to food advertising: a cross-sectional study of Malaysian schoolchildren s attitudes towards food and beverages advertising on television. (SCOPUS-Indexed), BMC PUBLIC HEALTH - Article in Journals
- A randomised and open label phase 2 clinical trial of low-GI, Polyphenol-Rich UKMRC-9 Red Rice on cardiometabolic parameters in patient with type 2 diabetes, Co-researcher, 2020 to 2024, National
- A randomised and open label phase 2 clinical trial of low-GI, Polyphenol-Rich UKMRC-9 Red Rice on cardiometabolic parameters in patient with type 2 diabetes, Project Leader, 2020 to 2024, Private
- Assessment of Muscle Wasting in Hemodialysis Patients Using Ultrasound Imaging , Project Leader, 2018 to 2019, Private
- Palm Tocotrienol in Hemodialysis Patients Study (PATCH STUDY), Project Leader, 2018 to 2022, International
Awards and Stewardship
- Honorary Fellow Award , Special, Malaysian Medical Council, Contribution in Research and Education , 2019
- Travel Grant for Prince Mahidol Awards Conference - 2019, Conference, International University, Conference Travel Grant , 2019
Paper Presented
- Reflections on Higher Degrees by Research Supervision session, SUPERVISOR TRAINING (SESSION 5) - REFLECTIONS ON HIGHER DEGREES BY RESEARCH SUPERVISION (Training ), INVITED SPEAKER , 13/04/2023 to 14/04/2023
- Food Ways for Better Health - Science for Health Advocacy , Faculty Development Programme (Guest Lecture ), INVITED SPEAKER , 05/07/2023 to 05/07/2023
- The public health Stand on saturates - Are perceptions beyond the facts?, Palm International Nutra-Cosmeceutical conference 2023 (CONFERENCE), INVITED SPEAKER , 22/08/2023 to 22/08/2023
- Cross-country comparison and Malaysian Experience , Research dissemination meeting on unhealthy food promotion to children on television: The forgotten threat to the NCD pandemic (Stakeholders forum ), INVITED SPEAKER , 12/07/2023 to 12/07/2023
- Urgency for Enhancing Food Environment in the Workplace to Support a Healthy Diet: Best Practice from Malaysia , 5th International Conference on social determinants of health (ICSDH) 2023 - healthy workforce environment for enhancing productivity (CONFERENCE), INVITED SPEAKER , 11/08/2023 to 12/08/2023
- Malnutrition treatment- What does nutrition support achieve? , Besting Dietitian Practices for Kidney Patients (SEMINAR), INVITED SPEAKER , 09/12/2023 to 09/12/2023
- Marketing Strategies in SEA, MASO 2023 - Scientific Conference - Curbing Obesity a shared responsibility (CONFERENCE), INVITED SPEAKER , 04/09/2023 to 05/09/2023
- International Congress on Obesity (ICO 2022), Coordinated Monitoring of food environments to maximize impact and drive and accountability towards food systems transformation : an Accountability Pact, and learning from success (CONFERENCE), INVITED SPEAKER , 18/10/2022 to 22/10/2022
- Dietary Fats, Palm Oil and Risk of Cardiovascular diseases - A fresh Look at the evidence, Palm Oil Health Awareness Lunch Symposium (Symposium), INVITED SPEAKER , 08/09/2022 to 08/09/2023