Curriculum Vitae
Dr Mohsen Marjani
Senior Lecturer II
- School of Computer Science
Faculty of Innovation & Technology - mohsen.marjani@taylors.edu.my
Dr Mohsen Marjani is a senior lecturer at the School of Computer Science, Taylor’s University, Selangor, Malaysia. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Computer Science from the University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia, in 2017. He also holds a master’s degree in information technology with a specialization in Multimedia Computing from Multimedia University (MMU) in 2011, Malaysia. His undergraduate degree in Mathematics was obtained from Azad University, Iran, in 2003. Since 1998, he has been teaching in various public and private institutions, including universities, pre-universities, high schools, and primary schools. Dr Mohsen teaches a range of subjects, including Data Analytics and Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data technologies, Database Systems, Data Mining, Web Development Technologies, Web Applications Programming, and Big Data Management for undergraduate and graduate programs. He has extensive experience in publishing research articles in refereed international journals and actively supervises several undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students each year. Dr Mohsen has designed and developed curriculums for multiple subjects in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in computer science. He has successfully led and completed multiple development and research projects, demonstrating significant outcomes. Additionally, he has collaborated as a co-researcher in several research and development projects. He also has a history of collaborating with various IT companies, serving in roles such as senior web and mobile developer, tech lead, IT consultant, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and project manager. His research interests encompass Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Data Analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). He can be contacted at mohsen.marjani@taylors.edu.my, marjanimohsen@gmail.com, or marjanimohsen@yahoo.com.
- Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science), UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA, Malaysia
- Master of Science, MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY, Malaysia
- Bachelor of Science, ISLAMIC AZAD UNIVERSITY, Iran, Islamic Republic of
- Machine Learning
- IoT
- Big Data Analytics
- Database
- Management Information System
(Research Area)
- Big Data Management Information System Database System Cloud Computing Data Analytics Internet of Things Image Processing Machine Learning
(Course Title),(Level of Study),(Institution),(Month/Year)
- Big Data Management, Master Degree, Taylor's University (01/2023)
- Big Data Management, Master Degree, Taylor's University (01/2022)
- Web Applications Programming, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2022)
- Big Data Management, Master Degree, Taylor's University (08/2022)
- Web Development Technologies, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2022)
- Web Applications Programming, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2022)
- Web Development Technologies, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2022)
- Web Analytics and Tools, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2021)
- Data Analytics and Machine Learning, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2020)
- System Administration and Maintenance, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2020)
- Machine Learning and Parallel Computing, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2020)
- Data Mining, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2020)
- Artificial Intelligence, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2020)
- Fundamentals Of Database Systems, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2019)
- Big Data Technologies, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2019)
- Database Systems, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2019)
- Advanced Database Systems, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2018)
(Title of publication in APA style)
- Bilal, M., Usmani, R. S. A., Tayyab, M., Mahmoud, A. A., Abdalla, R. M., Marjani, M., ... & Targio Hashem, I. A. (2020). Smart cities data: Framework, applications, and challenges. Handbook of Smart Cities, 1-29.
- Mohsen Marjani, NZ Jhanjhi, Ibrahim Abaker Targio Hashem, and Mohammad T. Hajibeigy. (2019). Internet of things, Cloud computing, autonomous and robotics systems, Big Data analytics, augmented reality, cyber security, simulation, system integration, and additive manufacturing. In The 9 Pillars of Technologies for Industry 4.0. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET).
- Masood, J. A. I. S., Chakravarthi, N. K., Asirvatham, D., Marjani, M., Shafiq, D. A., & Nidamanuri, S. (2024). A Hybrid Deep Learning Model to Predict High-Risk Students in Virtual Learning Environments. IEEE Access. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Sivalingam, P., Asirvatham, D., Marjani, M., Masood, J. A. I. S., Chakravarthy, N. K., Veerisetty, G., & Lestari, M. T. (2024). A review of travel behavioural pattern using GPS dataset: A systematic literature review. Measurement: Sensors, 101031. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Usmani, R. S. A., Pillai, T. R., Hashem, I. A. T., Marjani, M., Shaharudin, R. B., & Latif, M. T. (2023). Artificial intelligence techniques for predicting cardiorespiratory mortality caused by air pollution. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 20(3), 2623-2634. (ISI-Indexed)
- Alaros, E., Marjani, M., Shafiq, D. A., & Asirvatham, D. Predicting Consumption Intention of Consumer Relationship Management Users Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Review. Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(2), 307-328. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Youneszade, N., Marjani, M., Pei Pei, C. (2022). Deep Learning in Cervical Cancer Diagnosis: Architecture, Opportunities, and Open Research Challenges. IEEE Access. (ISI-Indexed)
- Shafiq, D. A., Marjani, M., Habeeb, R. A. A., & Asirvatham, D. (2022). Student Retention using Educational Data Mining and Predictive Analytics: A Systematic Literature Review. IEEE Access. (ISI-Indexed)
- Abdullah, A. M., Usmani, R. S. A., Pillai, T. R., Hashem, I. A. T., & Marjani, M. (2021). Feature Engineering Algorithms for Traffic Dataset. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12(4). (ISI-Indexed)
- Abdullah, A. M., Usmani, R. S. A., Pillai, T. R., Marjani, M., & Hashem, I. A. T. (2021). An Optimized Artificial Neural Network Model using Genetic Algorithm for Prediction of Traffic Emission Concentrations. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12(6). (ISI-Indexed)
- Aravind Vaithilingam, C., & Marjani, M. (2020). Control and monitoring of air-conditioning units through cloud storage and control operations. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing. (ISI-Indexed)
- Bilal, M., Marjani, M., Hashem, I.A.T., Malik, N., Lali, M.I., & Gani, A.. Profiling Reviewers' Social Network Strength and Predicting the "Helpfulness" of Online Customer Reviews. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. (ISI-Indexed)
- Tayyab, M., Marjani, M., Jhanjhi, N. Z., Hashim, I. A. T., Almazroi, A. A., & Almazroi, A. A. Cryptographic Based Secure Model on Dataset for Deep Learning Algorithms. (ISI-Indexed)
- Usmani, R. S. A., Pillai, T. R., Hashem, I. A. T., Marjani, M., Shaharudin, R., & Latif, M. T. (2021). Air pollution and cardiorespiratory hospitalization, predictive modeling, and analysis using artificial intelligence techniques. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-13. (ISI-Indexed)
- Talebkhah, M., Sali, A., Marjani, M., Gordan, M., Hashim, S. J., & Rokhani, F. Z. (2021). IoT and Big Data Applications in Smart Cities: Recent Advances, Challenges, and Critical Issues. IEEE Access, 9, 55465-55484. (ISI-Indexed)
- Hashem, I. A. T., Anuar, N. B., Marjani, M., Ahmed, E., Chiroma, H., Firdaus, A., . . . Gani, A. (2018). MapReduce scheduling algorithms: a review. The Journal of Supercomputing. doi:10.1007/s11227-018-2719-5 (ISI-Indexed)
- Bilal, M., Usmani, R. S. A., Tayyab, M., Mahmoud, A. A., Abdalla, R. M., Marjani, M., ... & Targio Hashem, I. A. (2020). Smart cities data: Framework, applications, and challenges. Handbook of smart cities, 1-29. (ISI-Indexed)
- Bilal, M., Marjani, M., Lali, M. I., Malik, N., Gani, A., & Hashem, I. A. T. (2020). Profiling Users’ Behavior, and Identifying Important Features of Review “Helpfulness”. IEEE Access. (ISI-Indexed)
- Bilal, M., Marjani, M., Hashem, I. A. T., Gani, A., Liaqat, M., & Ko, K. (2019). Profiling and Predicting the Cumulative Helpfulness (Quality) of Crowd-Sourced Reviews. Information, 10(10), 295. (ISI-Indexed)
- Bilal, M., Gani, A., Lali, M.I., Marjani, M., & Malik, N. (Accepted). Social Profiling: A Review, Taxonomy and Challenges. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. (ISI-Indexed)
- Hashem, I. A. T., Anuar, N. B., Marjani, M., Gani, A., Sangaiah, A. K., & Sakariyah, A. K. (2018). Multi-objective scheduling of MapReduce jobs in big data processing. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77(8), 9979-9994. (ISI-Indexed)
- Marjani, M., Nasaruddin, F., Gani, A., & Shamshirband, S. (2018). Measuring transaction performance based on storage approaches of Native XML database. Measurement, 114, 91-101. (ISI-Indexed)
- Bilal, M., Gani, A., Marjani, M., & Malik, .N (2018, November). A Study on Detection and Monitoring of Water Quality and Flow. 12th International Conference on Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and Statistics (MACS), IEEE.
- Siddiqa, A., Hashem, I. A. T., Yaqoob, I., Marjani, M., Shamshirband, S., Gani, A., & Nasaruddin, F. (2016). A survey of big data management: Taxonomy and state-of-the-art. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 71, 151-166. (ISI-Indexed)
- Shafiq, D. A., Marjani, M., Habeeb, R. A. A., & Asirvatham, D. (2022, November). A Conceptual Predictive Analytics Model for the Identification of at-risk students in VLE using Machine Learning Techniques. In 2022 14th International Conference on Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and Statistics (MACS) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Phua, K. C. K., Goh, W. W., & Marjani, M. (2021). Control Home Appliances Through Internet of Things To Assist Elderly In Their Daily Routine. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 335, p. 04005). EDP Sciences (ISI-Indexed)
- Bashir, N., Bilal, M., Liaqat, M., Marjani, M., Malik, N., & Ali, M. (2021, March). Modeling Class Diagram using NLP in Object-Oriented Designing. In 2021 National Computing Colleges Conference (NCCC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Talebkhah, M., Sali, A., Marjani, M., Gordan, M., Hashim, S. J., & Rokhani, F. Z. (2020, September). Edge computing: Architecture, applications and future perspectives. In 2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology (IICAIET) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Bilal, M., Gani, A., Marjani, M., & Malik, N. (2019, February). Predicting elections: Social media data and techniques. In 2019 international conference on engineering and emerging technologies (ICEET) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Pillai, T. R., Hashem, I. A. T., Brohi, S. N., Kaur, S., & Marjani, M. (2018, October). Credit card fraud detection using deep learning technique. In 2018 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication & Automation (ICACCA) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
(Project title),(Role),(Duration),(Level)
- A framework for automated cancer cells detection using computer vision and deep learning algorithms, Project Leader, 2019 to 2023 (National)
- Application of Data Mining Method Based on Deep Learning in CRM: A Case Study, Sub-Project Leader, 2018 to 2020 (Private)
- Modeling and Analysis of State-Of-The-Art Deep Learning Models for Big Data Analytics, Co-researcher, 2018 to 2019 (Taylor's University)
- Modeling and Analysis of State-of-the-Art-Deep Learning Models for Big Data Analytics , Co-researcher, 2018 to 2020 (Taylor's University)
- Modelling and visualization of air pollution and its impact on health, Co-researcher, 2017 to 2020 (Taylor's University)
(Project title),(Organisation),(Duration),(Role),(Level)
- Data Science and Engineering (TUAMPDSE) for Industries, Ampersand-Advisory Sdn Bhd, 12/11/2018 to 14/12/2018, Consultant (Private/Industrial Sector)
(Title),(Event),(Date Presented),(Organiser),(Level)
- A Data Science Methodology for Internet-of-Things, International Conference for Emerging Technologies in Computing iCETiC 2019, 19/08/2019 to 20/08/2019, International Association of Educators and Researchers (IAER) (International)
- A Data Science Methodology for Internet-of-Things, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication & Automation (ICACCA 2018), 26/10/2018 to 28/10/2018, School of Computing and IT, Taylor's University (International)
- Machine Learning for Industrial Applications, AICTE sponsored Six Days Online Short Term Training Programme on Machine Learning & Internet of Things (IoT) for Industrial Applications , 29/09/2020 to 29/09/2020, Greetings from EEE Department (International)
(Course Title),(Course Mode),(Date/Duration),(Level)
- Workshop on Online Presence & Creating Micro-Credential Videos, Non research, 13/11/2021 to 04/12/2021 (University)
- Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning (PGCTL), Non research, 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022 (International)
- Advanced Deep Learning Professional (ADLP), Research, 08/03/2021 to 12/03/2021 (Private/Industrial Sector)
- Supervision Essentials Training, Non research, 20/01/2020 to 21/01/2020 (University)
- Apache Flume, Kafka, and Sqoop Data Ingestion, Research, 21/02/2019 to 22/02/2019 (Private/Industrial Sector)
- Talend Big Data Integration, Research, 18/02/2019 to 20/02/2019 (Private/Industrial Sector)
- Pig, Hive, Impala with Hadoop, Research, 13/02/2019 to 15/02/2019 (Private/Industrial Sector)
- Administrator Training for Cloudera Hadoop, Research, 24/01/2019 to 25/01/2019 (Private/Industrial Sector)
- RapidMiner Studio and RapidMiner Radoop for data mining in Hadoop, Research, 02/01/2019 to 04/01/2019 (Private/Industrial Sector)
- Administrative Essentials For New Admins In Lightning Experience (ADX 201), Non research, 06/08/2018 to 10/08/2018 (Private/Industrial Sector)