Associate Professor
- School of Hosp,Tourism & Events
Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management - +60 3 5629 5000
- kandappan.balasubramanian@taylors.edu.my
ResearcherID Link
http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-1250-2017 -
PubMed ID Link
http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7634-4676 -
Personal Homepage
Associate Professor Dr Balasubramanian Kandappan
Dr Kandappan Balasubramanian (Dr Kandy) is an Associate Professor from the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events - Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management (FSLM), Taylor's University, Malaysia who has embraced technology as part of his teaching and learning pedagogy and continuously empowers to innovate himself with the latest developments of technology in order to meet the changing needs of today's learners. He has taken the mandate and made it as personal aspiration on, striving to broaden his ability in the area of technology integration in the classroom.
Dr Kandappan received the title of ADE (Apple Distinguished Educator), a global community of educators on leaders recognized for doing amazing things with Apple technology in and out of the classroom. His key roles as Cluster Leader of Teaching and Learning in the school also includes his contribution in various projects such as Education 4.0, MOOC, e-learning initiatives and student-centered learning. He also leads the Management Grand Prix, a management hospitality simulation competition organized for the Malaysian hoteliers in collaboration with Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH).
Dr. Kandappan won the EMAS (Exemplary Meritorious Academic Staff) award for his transformation of training restaurant from traditional to digital, Bronze medal in IUCEL 2018 & 2017, Silver medal in IIUCEL 2016 & NUCEL 2015 for his innovation in teaching and learning practices. Kandy shares his learning experiences through a series of training sessions for staff as a contribution to the overall development of the academic world. He has also presented and published research papers in International and National level conferences. He is also actively publishing his research and innovation in SSCI and SCOPUS-Indexed journals.
His recent research projects at Taylor's university include service innovation, augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence (AI) in the hospitality/restaurant industry, and higher education. He also contributed to the university as a resource person, panelist, and moderators in International conference, panel discussion and forum. Last year he received "Best Paper Award" for his research towards the integration of augmented reality into dining space and "Gold Medal" for his teaching innovation in the International University E-Learning Carnival (IUCEL) 2019 in Sarawak, Malaysia. In recent years, he is getting recognized as trainer cum keynote speaker in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, and Malaysia for his current research in Industrial Revolution 4.0, Service innovation in Hospitality 4.0, and Teaching Innovation towards transformation in the education and industry sector.
Academic Qualification
- Doctor of Philosophy (Management), KARPAGAM UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE, India
- B.Sc in Catering Science & Hotel Management, BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, India
Professional Qualification
Areas of Expertise
- Social Sciences, International Hospitality and Food Service Management, Hospitality Business Simulation, Service Quality Management, Restaurant Services Innovations, Food and Beverage Operations, Oenology (Wine Studies), Restaurant and Hospitality Marketing,
Research Interest
- Service Innovation in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry, Hospitality Business SImulation, Smart Marketing and Customer Acceptance model, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Innovation in teaching and learning and Hospitality Marketing and Operations
- Smart hotel in the eyes of the silver: developing and testing the silver tourists behavioural intention scale (ISI-Indexed), Current Issues in Tourism - Article in Journals
- An exploration of factors affecting hotel consumers health from an ecological systems theory perspective: A meta-analytical study (ISI-Indexed), Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management - Article in Journals
- Do TripAdvisor Valences are Trustworthy on South Asian Destinations? (SCOPUS-Indexed), ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism - Article in Journals
- Adaptive Learning in Post Covid Milieu: What Gen Z wants in the Global South from Malaysian Perspectives? - Book Chapter
- Sentiment Analysis of delighters and disappointers in Destinations and Hotels: From the lens of Circular economical perspectives, Tourism Economics - Article in Journals
- "What innovations would enable the tourism and hospitality industry in Malaysia to rebuild?" (ISI-Indexed), Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes - Article in Journals
- Exploring measures to enhance the low adoption rate of IR 4.0 technologies: a qualitative inquiry with hotels during COVID-19 (ISI-Indexed), European Journal of Innovation Management - Article in Journals
- A paradigm shift: looking forward to sustainability in organizations (SCOPUS-Indexed), Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) - Article in Journals
- "Moving forward with augmented reality menu: changes in food consumption behaviour patterns" (SCOPUS-Indexed), Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) - Article in Journals
- Digital Trust in the Hotel Industry An International Customer/Supplier Perspective - Book Chapter
- The Progress of ICT Applications In Destination Marketing in Emerging Economies - Book Chapter
- Rethinking the Learning Space to build 21st Century Learning Skills: Bringing Simulation-Based Gamification to the Hospitality Higher Education (SCOPUS-Indexed), Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) - Article in Journals
- Teaching and Learning Cultural Change in Higher Education during the Disruptive Time - Book Chapter
- Acceptance of Consumer-Oriented Health Information Technologies (CHITs): Integrating Technology Acceptance Model with Perceived Risk, Informatica, An International Journal of Computing and Informatics - Article in Journals
- Does YouTube video dispositions have an impact on Intention to visit?, Journal of Tourism Management - Article in Journals
- Hospitality Revolution 4.0": A Literature Review of a Unified Typology of IR 4.0 Technologies for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry (SCOPUS-Indexed), Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) - Article in Journals
- The Impact of Social Media on Consumers Purchasing Behaviour in Malaysian Restaurants (SCOPUS-Indexed), Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics - Article in Journals
- Factors Influencing Millennials Satisfaction of Caf Restaurants in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (SCOPUS-Indexed), Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) - Article in Journals
- What are the Key Challenges Faced by the Malaysian Hospitality and Tourism Industry in the Context of Industrial Revolution 4.0? (SCOPUS-Indexed), Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes - Article in Journals
- Factors affecting hotel employees attrition and turnover: Application of pull-push-mooring framework (ISI-Indexed), International Journal of Hospitality Management - Article in Journals
- An Exploratory Study on the Role of Blended Learning Practices to Achieve Twenty-First Century Skills Among Culinary Students at University in Malaysia - Book Chapter
- The Bubble Drink Industry in Malaysia: An Empirical Assessment of Repurchase Intention (SCOPUS-Indexed), Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) - Article in Journals
- A Study on the Techno-Pedagogical Knowledge of Academics in a Malaysian Private University, International Journal of e-Learning in Higher Education - Article in Journals
- Going green: Eco- friendly food packaging used by Malaysian food truck entrepreneurs at the 29th SEA Games (SCOPUS-Indexed), Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) - Article in Journals
- Personalization of Hospitality Service: Integration of Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence - Article in Proceeding
- An Exploratory Study about Students Learning Capabilities in Today s Pedagogic Trends based on Gender Differences - Book Chapter
- Interactive Higher Education Classroom using Nearpod Application - Article in Proceeding
- Relationship Marketing a Proposed Term for Hotel Industry: A conceptual study., Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts (JTHCA) - Article in Journals
- Hotel Career Perceptions of Final Year Hospitality Degree Students (SCOPUS-Indexed), Advanced Science Letters - Article in Journals
- Customer Acceptance and Use of Smart Phone Apps (SPA) as a Marketing Mix Tool for the Restaurants: A Proposed Framework, International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research - Article in Journals
- Malaysian Consumers Acceptance of Restaurant Marketing Mix Information through Smart Phone Applications: A Proposed Framework - Article in Proceeding
- The Motivation Factors Behind Malaysian Consumer Choice in Drinking Wine - Article in Proceeding
- Customer Preference s to Select a Restaurant Through Smart Phone Applications: An Exploratory Study (ISI-Indexed), Advanced Science Letters - Article in Journals
- A Study on "Student Preference towards the Use of Edmodo as a Learning Platform to Create Responsible Learning Environment" (ISI-Indexed) - Article in Proceeding
- Hotel managers perspective of managerial competency among graduating students of hotel management programme (ISI-Indexed) - Article in Proceeding
- Service Delivery Quality Improvement Models: A Review (ISI-Indexed) - Article in Proceeding
- Service Praxis using tablet personal computer (iPad Apps) - A proposed framework, International Journal of Scientific Knowledge - Article in Journals
- SUSTAINABLE AND DYNAMIC TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY CURRICULUM - AN ANALYSIS OF TOURISM EDUCATION IN SOUTH INDIA, International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review - Article in Journals
- A Proposed Framework on Paradigm Shift by using Tablet Personal Computer Apps in the Teaching and Learning Practices of the Hospitality Curriculum with reference to Food and Beverage Praxis, Journal Vidyawarta - Article in Journals
- A Proposed Framework on Customer Acceptance and Use of Smart Phone Apps (SPA) as a Marketing Mix Tool for the Restaurants - Article in Proceeding
- Eco-friendly practices in the Hotel Industry - Article in Proceeding
- Developing an Organisational Resilience Framework for the Malaysian Hotel Industry to manage the Crisis, Project Leader, 2023 to 2025, National
- Exploring the H.I.D.E. (Healthy.Interactive.Dining.Experience) using augmented reality applications, Project Leader, 2018 to 2019, Taylor's University
- Realigning the Higher Education E-Learning System for Disable Students' Usability , Co-researcher, 2018 to 2019, Taylor's University
- Green Service Innovation Performance: An Exploration of Capabilities and Capacity Measures among Klang Valley Hotels of Malaysia , Co-researcher, 2018 to 2019, Taylor's University
- Gamification in Hospitality Management Programme: Application of Hotel Management Simulation Game in Developing 21st Century Competencies, Co-researcher, 2018 to 2021, National
- Exploring the H.I.D.E. (Healthy.Interactive.Dining.Experience) using augmented reality applications , Project Leader, 2018 to 2019, Taylor's University
- Virtual tourism in 3D virtual worlds, Co-researcher, 2017 to 2020, Taylor's University
- Innovative technique in studying contextual eating behaviour, Co-researcher, 2017 to 2020, Taylor's University
- Techno-pedagogical knowledge of lecturers in Taylor's University, Co-researcher, 2017 to 2018, Taylor's University
Awards and Stewardship
- International University Carnival on E-Learning (IUCEL 2022) TEACHING INNOVATION, ELEARNING AND SDGs: MOVING FORWARD TOWARDS BORDERLESS. COLLABORATIVE. CLASSROOM. (B.C.C.) IN THE HOSPITALITY HIGHER EDUCATION, Competition, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Creativity , 2022
- Taylor s Distinguished e-Learning Educator (DeE) Award, Exhibition/Invention, Taylor's University, Creativity , 2021
- International University Carnival on E-Learning (IUCEL 2021), Competition, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Creativity , 2021
- Best Paper Award Creating a Healthy Dining Experience using Augmented Reality (AR) - A Proposed Framework, Conference, Anna University, India, Best Paper Award , 2019
- Gold Medal Award A Digital Leap using Augmented Reality (AR) in Training Restaurant: Transforming into AR-menu, Competition, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Creativity , 2019
- Bronze Medal for the title: " Humanizing the Technology through Redefining Authentic Learning Environment in a Simulation-Driven World", Competition, International Islamic University of Malaysia, Creativity , 2018
- Bronze Medal Title: Moving towards Borderless Classroom and Limitless Knowledge: Blending Skype, Nearpod and Quizizz Applications in the teaching and learning , Competition, Ministry of Higher Education, Creativity , 2017
- EMAS Award, Education, Taylor's University, Creativity , 2016
- Silver Medal Title: Integration of iPad and apps in Food and Beverage Service Praxis to create a new dining experience (Going i-restaurant) , Competition, Ministry of Higher Education, Creativity , 2016
- Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE), Education, Apple Inc., Creativity , 2015
Paper Presented
- Future Prospects and the New Normal for Hotels and Resorts, QS Subject Focus Summit, Hospitality and Leisure Management Virtual Conference and Exhibition. (CONFERENCE), PLEANARY/KEYNOTE SPEAKER , 05/10/2021 to 07/10/2021
- Factors influencing Millennials' Satisfaction of Caf Restaurants in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7th Asia Euro Conference 2018 (CONFERENCE), Co-researcher , 14/11/2018 to 17/11/2018
- Empowering learning space with augmented reality (AR) applications-a new immersive teaching & learning paradigm in education 4.0, Taylor s 11th Teaching and Learning Conference 2018 (TTLC2018): Transforming Curriculum: Empowering Learning for Life (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 22/09/2018 to 23/09/2018
- Innovation is the key to success of business, 6th International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management (ICHOT) 2018 (CONFERENCE), Hosting Partner Speaker , 14/09/2018 to 15/09/2018
- Personalization of Hospitality Service: Integration of Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence, 6th International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management 2018 (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 14/09/2018 to 15/09/2018
- A Study on Kuala Lumpur Customer's Acceptance of Restaurant Mobile Applications (RMA) to Access Restaurant Information., 3rd Asia International Conference (AIC 2017) (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 09/12/2017 to 10/12/2017
- Eco-friendly practices in the Hotel Industry, Synergise Green to Gold (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 05/11/2010 to 06/11/2010
- A Proposed Framework on Customer Acceptance and Use of Smart Phone Apps (SPA) as a Marketing Mix Tool for the Restaurants , 4th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 30/09/2013 to 01/10/2013
- Interactive Higher Education Classroom using Nearpod Application, "Envisioning Tourism in 2050". - 6th Asia-Euro Conference on Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy, (CONGRESS), ORAL PRESENTER , 09/12/2016 to 12/12/2016